Hand and arm suffer various conditions due to different reasons and one of such condition is Carpal tunnel syndrome. It is a condition that causes symptoms like numbness, tingling and pain in hand or arm. A strained nerve in the wrist mainly causes it. You may suffer from this condition due to various factors such as the structure of your wrist, a few basic health problems and probably patterns of hand use. Carpal tunnel is located on the palm side of the wrist and protects a primary nerve of our hand along with nine other tendons that facilitate fingers to bend. Firmness of the nerve leads to deadness, itchiness and, ultimately, we suffer from hand weakness; and this is what is characterised as carpal tunnel syndrome.
Another condition that our hands suffer is termed as Pronator syndrome. It is a disorder of the nervous system that creates pain, weakness, and insensitivity in the upper arm, elbow, and hand. The main nerve (median nerve) at times is compressed by the muscles and/or ligament-like structures in the forearm and thus causes this condition. The pressure on the median nerve lessens its function causing pain and other symptoms. The compression of the nerve may be cause by swollen or scarred tissue, or soreness of the nerve due to infection. The initial treatment to get rid of this condition engages keeping your arm or hand in rest from doing any activity that aggravates the symptoms.
Ulnar tunnel syndrome is another painful condition that we suffer in our hand or wrist. It is caused by the compression of the ulnar nerve at the wrist. This nerve is found on the pinkie-finger side of the wrist. You may suffer from symptoms like weakness, deadness and tingling, and pain in the ring finger, pinkie finger, or both. You should avoid activities that cause these symptoms. Applying ice and wearing a splint may relieve you from the pain.
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