Hand is a major part of our body that has many functions like holding things, writing, eating and many other things. A small injury to our hand might lead to difficulty to do the mentioned functions. Every one of us has had minor problems with a finger, hand or wrist. We may not have any problem with our body movements but everyday wear and tear or overuse, we may develop certain symptoms or pain. We may also experience finger, hand or wrist problems due to injuries or aging. One of the sharp pains of the wrist is DeQuervain’s Tendinitis. It is caused when the tendons situated near the thumb are swollen and irritated.
You may suffer hand problems due to various causes including injury and diseases. However, most of these causes can be treated and relieved. DeQuervain’s is a common condition that causes hand pain. In this condition, the pain may develop gradually or sometimes it may be sudden. If you have DeQuervain’s Tendinitis, then movements like making a fist, holding things, or turning the wrist may be painful.
Another condition that may cause hand pain is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. It is one of the most common nerve disorder causing pain in palm and some fingers of the hand, wrist or forearm. Patients with this condition feel the pain more at night than during the daytime. It may also cause weakness, tingling, and numbness in the hand. One may particularly feel the pain in the thumb, index finger, and the middle finger. This condition makes holding things difficult.
Today, in the medical field a number of treatments are available for these hand problems and painful conditions. Some of the most common treatments include resting the hand and wrist, using anti-inflammatory or analgesic painkillers, injections, physical therapy etc. However, doctors recommend surgery if the symptoms exist for six months or more.
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