Human body is a mechanism that functions with the help of different parts and organs. Nervous system is one of the main system upon which the proper functionality of the body is dependent. The condition of the nervous system in which the radial nerve is squeezed by surrounding structures in the elbow or forearm is called radial tunnel syndrome. This syndrome is mainly characterized by weakness or pain in the hand and wrist. It is mainly caused due to an increased pressure on the radial nerve. The compression in the nerve usually occurs in the elbow or forearm by the muscles and ligament-like tissues.
The compression in the elbow may lead to pain and weakness of the hand; it may further result into Elbow Arthritis. You may also suffer from this condition due to direct trauma to the elbow or forearm. Arthritis of the elbow in many people not only causes pain when they bend their elbow, but also when they straighten it preventing them to carry on their day to day work. Rheumatoid arthritis is the most common cause of this condition while osteoarthritis and injuries damage the cartilage of the elbow joint making people suffer from arthritis in the elbow joint.
An injury or damage to the elbow joint may further leads to stiffness of the elbow. Stiffness is relatively a common elbow problem. A trauma involving considerable bone and soft-tissue injury may lead to elbow stiffness. If you experience a stiff elbow after an injury or surgery, than you may find it difficult to move your hand freely and it may take more than a year to improve your hand movement. With physiotherapy and elbow splinting, you can improve the motion at a quicker speed. However, if you don’t see any improvement in your hand movement even after physiotherapy or elbow splinting than surgical treatment is recommended to release the elbow joint.