Saturday, March 21, 2015

Mucous Cysts - A Fluid-Filled Swelling on the Lips or Mouth

Our skin is prone to various conditions that cause lumps and bumps on the surface or just beneath the skin. A cyst is a formation of a sac-like pocket of tissue containing fluid, air, or other substances. It can develop almost in any part of your body on or beneath the skin. Cysts can be of different types including mucous, retinacular cysts etc and most of these are benign, or non-cancerous. Let us discuss the different types of cysts.

 Mucous cysts

Also known as a mucocoele, a mucous cyst is a fluid-filled bump that mainly occurs on the lip or in the mouth. The main reason of the development of cyst in the mouth is the mucus of the mouth’s salivary glands gets plugged. Most cysts grow on the lower lip but has all the possibility to occur anywhere within the oral cavity. Though most of the cysts are temporary and painless but can become permanent if they are not treated o time.

Pitiable dental health and hygiene, a habit of lip or cheek biting because of stress can increase the risk for developing mucous cysts.

Retinacular cysts

The occurrence of ganglion cyst in the flexor tendon sheath is known as a retinacular cyst. It is usually a tender mass that occurs in the palm by the base of a finger. The development of this cyst often causes pain when gripping objects.

Doctors determine whether you need treatment for the cyst development or not taking into account a number of factors. The factors include:

  • the kind of cyst
  • the spot of the cyst growth
  • if it is causing pain or not
  • whether the cyst is infectious 

Dupuytren's contracture is a skin condition that occurs due to the thickening of the fibrous tissue layer beneath the skin of the palm and fingers. Although it doesn’t cause pain, but the solidifying and tightening of this tough tissue can cause the fingers to bend (flex).

Saturday, March 7, 2015

Ulnar Tunnel Syndrome and Its Remedy

Have you ever faced pain in your wrist? Have you seen your doctor? You might be facing ulnar tunnel syndrome. This syndrome is caused by pressure on the ulnar nerve at the wrist. It is found on the outer side of the wrist.

This syndrome happens when one overuse or repetitive use their hands. Swelling or thickening of the tissue close to the ulnar nerve is caused from a ganglion. It is commonly seen is bicycle riders as they hold on to the handlebars for longer period. The symptoms include pain, numbness and tingling in the ring finger and pinkie finger.

Trigger finger and trigger thumb are also common. It happens due to space problem, which bends the finger, or thumb that gets compressed. Sometimes the tendons shrink due to various problems such as diabetes, thyroid, etc. It swells and thickens the lining of the tendon. People often face pain in the fingers and bending towards the palm. 

Fortunately, this syndrome is curable. It is a simple surgery, which is 100% successful and permanently cures the problem. You can visit an orthopedic surgeon and had a surgery. After surgery, one needs to keep the hand clean and away from water for 3 days. Showering is not recommended though one can bathe after wrapping the hand with plastic cover. 

After 3 days one can shower easily, however, one can avoid submerging their hand inside the water for atleast 10 days. One does not have to visit the doctor to remove the stitches, it will get merged. It is recommended to avoid heavy activities such as lifting heavy objects. 

So, if you are feeling the pain in your wrist or fingers, then you can contact an orthopedic surgeon and get surgery done as fast as possible. It will help in curing the pain and make sure that one does not feel the pain again and again.